Hello all,
How are you doing today? The lockdown has been extended till 3rd May and though I knew this would happen, I’m experiencing a range of emotions. So I thought of writing and as I sat to write, the words flowed and by the end of 2 hours I had over 6000 words. I reread them and thought of converting it into different blogposts that I could share with you all.
I’ve decided to publish a blogpost every day till 3rd May 2020. I’m excited to see how it unfolds.
It’s been a month that I am at home. This one month has taught me a lot of things and in today’s post I’m sharing some of the lessons that I’ve learnt during this lockdown.
That I could conduct Online Workshops:
This is a big realization for me. Since last 7 years I was conducting workshops and trainings offline. I thought that the online space wasn’t for me. I also believed that an online training wouldn’t be effective compared to the offline one. However in the past two weeks I’ve conducted 2 workshops online and I found it engaging, fulfilling and cost effective. Sometimes when you choose to experiment and take the first step to learn, the possibilities are limitless.
That I could conduct Therapy Online:
I was comfortable taking life coaching sessions and goal setting with clients online and preferred a face- to-face intervention when it came to therapy. However in the past three weeks I chose to conduct therapy sessions online, via Zoom. I’m still learning to use technology and how to navigate through the challenges of online sessions.
Here’s sharing a feedback that I received from a client today.
“While working with Gayatri we discovered that there were conflicting parts. A part of me wanted something and there were two other parts wanting something else. It was as if my body was in three parts.
After the Parts Integration session I noticed my pain in hand and back was gone. Previously there was a lot of self-talk which was not helping me and now it’s reduced and I notice the sensation of fear has shifted too.
I feel like new ways are opening now. I could try all those.”
I felt happy, aligned and fulfilled as I received this feedback.
Necessity is mother of all invention:
I think we all are familiar with this proverb and I experienced it during this phase. I’d rely highly on store bought masalas however after the lockdown I’ve learnt to make masalas at home. I made gun-powder, coriander and jeera powder two weeks ago and next week I’ll be making sambhar masala.

Art is a necessity:
I believed in this since many years but now I’m experiencing this intensely. Watching people sing, dance and paint fills my heart with so much more joy. My daughter spends her time creating art, hubby plays the guitar and I dance, sing and write. It’s such an amazing way to connect with our Self and others.
Little joys matter:
I’m a practicing minimalist and I believed in being grateful for the little things in life and this phase has strengthened my belief. Little things that bring joy to me are- the chirping of the birds, clean drinking water, electricity, fresh vegetables and fruits, a bunch of Spinach, a stable Wi-fi connection and the list is endless. What are you grateful for today?
Creativity and Flexibility is the key:
I brought a huge cabbage from the vegetable vendor that lasted for a week. I used my creativity to make paranthas, salad, sabji, vadas, and added it to dosa too.
My workshops are usually designed for an entire day for 8 to 12 hours. I learnt how to redesign my content for a 3-hour online training program. Being creative and flexible is allowing me to grow and see the opportunities around me.
Investing in your self is the best investment:
Investing in my self was the best decision that I took many years ago and I continue to do so even now. I’m using my time to read books and attend online sessions on topics that interest me. The path of self-growth has allowed me to develop a flexible and compassionate mindset. This mindset helps me in challenging times. It has also helped me to strengthen the bond with my husband and daughter and now when I am with them 24*7, I can see the benefits of being in a healthy relationship.
What are you learning about yourself or the people around you? What are you grateful for? How are you spending your time? Do share your thoughts in the comment box. I look forward to read them.
Do stay at home and take care.
Love and Light