Before you read this post, I’d recommend reading my previous post that describes my experience of Vipassana.
It’s been 8 months since I did my first 10 day silent meditation Vipassana course. It’s a good time now to reflect on the changes that have happened since the time I took the course. So here are few shifts that I have observed in myself.
Freedom is my topmost value and let me confess that, I hate routines. I always felt having a routine will snatch away my freedom however it’s a false conditioning. We followed a strict routine during those 10 days. The initial 3 days were tough for me and I did feel low. However as the days passed I felt amazing and once I returned home I craved for a routine. I started to set my journal with a routine and I observed that I’ve become calmer and productive. I believe freedom is a by-product of routine.
During the course we had 1 hour group sittings where had to sit still. It was called Adhistan or determination. During the first 3 sittings I moved a lot and even on the 10th day I moved. I wasn’t able to sit still for 1 hour. However as I returned home I noticed a shift in myself. I was now able to sit still while meditating and also noticed increased focus in activities.
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) did give me the tools of Equanimity however; Vipassana took me a step deeper. Equanimity means a state of mind where we neither experience extreme joy nor extreme pain. It is to see things ‘as it is’. I’m a freelancer and I conduct training, speaking & storytelling events and workshops. Earlier I used to get a bit upset when the required number of people didn’t turn up for my events. However now that has shifted. I don’t get attached to the outcome. I just ask myself these questions and stay equanimous at all times.
What did I do differently this time that I got more leads?
What did I didn’t do this time because of which I didn’t get the leads?
What should I do, what skills should I learn to keep my workshops engaging?

Diet and Eating Habits:
During the 10 days of meditation we were not allowed to eat anything after 5pm. Once I returned from the course I observed that my hunger pangs reduced significantly. I have started eating salads and drink only soup at night. This shift has increased my energy levels in the morning.
Pain Control:
Vipassana is all about observing the sensations in the body. This deep observation has helped me to allow any pain in my body to pass away. This has helped me to shift my mental states very quickly and easily.
A sense of Oneness:
After the 10 days my heart was filled with gratitude, love, respect and care for everyone around me, including the tiny insects. I now experience a deep sense of oneness with all beings. My self-talk has shifted to ‘Bhavathu Sabba Managalam’ (May all beings be happy). My morning and evening prayers are- ‘Sab ka mangal hoye re’ (May all be blessed). This feeling is something that I cannot describe in words. It is something to be experienced.
Enrolling for Viapssana was one of the best decisions of my life. I enjoy a deeper connect with myself and others. However do remember that each individual will have a different experience during those 10 days, so the best way to feel the transformation is to go ahead and enroll for a 10 day course.
Have you done Vipassana or wish to do it? If you’ve done it, I’d love to hear your experience. Share it with me in the comments.
Love and Light,