I enter the fifth year in the blogsworld, there are many people I would like to
thank and the best way I thought to do that, would be to host them as a guest
on my blog. Today is the first day of my fourth blog anniversary celebrations
and I am honoured to host a dreamer, dancer, singer, blogger, author, editor of
Writer’s Ezine and my soul sister, Privy Trifles from Memoirs of Me.
visited Memoirs of Me via Preeti Shenoy’s blog and the moment I landed
there….I had to stay. As I kept reading each of her posts about love,
relationships and hope… I unconsciously started challenging my beliefs about
things around me. I don’t know when and how, I started falling in love with her
words so much so that, I read her entire blog that night. I didn’t know her
real name, nor had I seen her picture, but her words touched my heart. It was
as if she was there right in front of me -narrating those stories and reading
the poetry out. From there…the journey began….and it still continues…
was supposed to be a guest post…so dear readers, welcome the super awesome,
super lovely girl with dreamy eyes and an infectious smile and a mesmerizing
voice…Privy Trifles, aka Namrata aka PT aka Privy aka Memoirs of me.
![]() |
Stunning…Gorgeous and Beautiful….! |
Karma Confessions
attempting to drown their laughter unsuccessfully. After all what do you expect
when a bunch of friends meet after what can easily be called “a long time”.
There is lot of catching up to done, loads of gossip to hear and know, most
importantly trying to cover up on the lost time in between!
childhood friends, neighbours, grown up together were today much more than what
they all had dreamt of in childhood. They had planned this get together after a
lot of battling for time and still Naureen’s absence was copious. It had been 7
years to their last meeting and one look at them right now hardly felt so.
throughout their growing up times, after all everyone needs one such reminder
from childhood time and again. These are the friends who will remind you of
your stupidest moment in life as a teenager when you are busy nursing a
heartache as a full grown up adult. And it is this quality that makes them
of clinking glasses as the fireworks added the much needed jazz to their
reunion. Having gulped down 6-7 glasses most of them were far from being somber
but then such moments definitely called for you to be tipsy enough.
lives they decided to 2 incidents from their life of last 7 years, one the best
and the other the worst. The bottle was spun and the fun began. They all were
rooting for each other when the bottle suddenly stopped at Mrinal.
evident from her eyes she was high as hell and the excitement was too much for
her to handle. In a stuttering tone she began talking, “Oddly enough my both
moments are with and around Naureen.” There was a hush in the room. It was
known that Naureen was closest to Mrinal as they both had stayed in the same
city long after the other three had flown away in search of better
horizons. But since last 5 years she was
MIA (Missing in Action). None of them knew where she was, what was she doing or
how could she be reached. All the efforts had been futile, even talking to her
parents did not lead anywhere. Finally disgruntled they had left it at labeling
it as arrogance. Little did they know that they were in for a surprise!
after the other 7 years back I got married. I had invited you all but you
couldn’t attend my wedding. It was a love cum arranged marriage and I was on
cloud nine. Naureen was the only one with me who held my hand firmly as I
decided to take the plunge. Everything seemed hunky dory till one day. It was
almost 4 months to my wedding and there was a death in my in-laws family.
During some random discussion something I said hurt my husband’s ego so much
that he got violent with me.
nearby mirror. I wasn’t expecting anyone to come and save me as we stayed
alone. I had surrendered myself at that moment as the shock was too much to
bear. He removed his slippers and was hitting me constantly when someone
stepped in between. It was Naureen. I
still cannot forget the way she stood by me that night ensuring I was fine. And
I asked her to leave that moment as I felt it was a personal matter to involve
a stranger like this.”
such a shock to hear this, babes! How come you never told any of us this thing?
Does he still hit you?” Mrinal stared back at her.
It was time for Mrinal to be shocked. “What?
I thought you all knew for I could sense a bit of aloofness in your behavior
and I thought Naureen had told you about this.”
Sheena chipped in,” Are you crazy? We weren’t
aloof. I believe it so happened that at the same time we all had faced our
submissions and internships because of which we went out of touch for almost
6-7 months. I remember our emails were so irregular. Even phone calls, everyone
was complaining from Ma, Baba to friends like you!”
something was wrong Het held her hand firmly and asked, “What happened? Are you
all right?”
Mrinal burst into sobs.” I did something
heinous to Naureen.” Her tears were uncontrollable.
“What did you do to her?” No it was becoming
tenser for everyone in the room. After a lot of cajoling Mrinal started
spilling the beans, “I felt Naureen was responsible for the humiliation I was
going through. Everywhere I went I felt people were looking at me with pity
filled eyes, because of her. Now I realize it was more of my own guilt than her
fault. She had just got engaged and after 2-3 months she got married to the
same guy.
his place but all I know is after 4-5 months of her marriage she was back at
her parents place. There were lot of stories doing rounds, but she was
speechless. I was the lucky one with whom she wanted to talk. She counted me a
friend and I saw the opportunity to get even with her. She shared her problems
with me as to how it was a case of mental abuse where she was kept hungry for
days together and constantly abused.
As I was leaving her home one day I heard a
lady whisper to her mom, “Ask her if he was impotent?’ That very moment they
saw me and asked if she told me anything. I just whispered a yes to all that
they asked. Before I knew the game was over. After that I never saw her, but
there was a tiny wave of victory inside me when I left her house. I had even
forgotten about this incident till today. It is only when all became fine
between us that I tried contacting her and like all of you couldn’t get in
touch with her. “
A tiny rocket came from somewhere bursting
midair shattering the silence that surrounded them all at this moment. They
kept staring at each other mutely unable to decide whether the firecrackers
louder than the chaos that was drumming within their hearts.
is an investment banker who dreams of making a difference to the world,
one word at a time. Having spent close to three decades on this earth she is
very inquisitive about the enigma called LIFE and believes it to be her biggest
teacher. She romances life through her writings and aspires to make love the
universal language.
Her stories and poems have been published in various anthologies like –
25 Strokes of Kindness (Grapevine India),
Time’s Lost Atlas (Half Baked Beans),
Stories for your Valentine by Pageturn publishers
Social Potpourri – An Anthology Part II.
Apart from being a reviewer for leading publishing houses she is also a regular
contributor to various e-zines like Kaleidoscope, LIMP- Asia and the editor for
Writer’s Ezine.
PS: Hope you enjoyed reading the story and if yes…then do drop the lovely comments here 🙂 And see you all tommrrow with a new guest and a new post!
Wow ! That is a brilliant story and a bit sad.It was somewhat hazy how Naureen got married to the same guy.The misunderstanding and the revenge is understandable.The way the story has been ended cannot be improved upon.
Thank you,Gayatri, for hosting her and Namrata for the nice story.